Backed by experts

The Segura Experience
More efficient, more affordable compliance testing
Results within minutes
Sample analysis takes less than 5 minutes. Results and raw data are sent directly to the Segura app, providing digital traceability.
No calibration
Segura’s tests come pre-calibrated. No need to prepare calibration curves or reset between tests.
Multiple parameters with one strip
Segura test strips can detect 13 heavy metals simultaneously, including lead, copper, and arsenic
Easier testing, cleaner water
Segura offers you improved lab efficiency, with affordable, fast, and easy heavy metal testing.
​​Compliant in the US through method 200.8
Large, expensive equipment
Requires calibration for each parameter
Significant storage and disposal capacity needed for calibration and sample waste
Results in 3 minutes with no minimum sample size
No specialized training required
Digital results and raw data direct to cloud storage
Small and portable for use in the lab or in the field
In process of EPA and MCERTS certification